The first formal cat show was held in England in 1871; in America, in 1895.

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The most popular pedigreed cat is the Persian cat, followed by the Main Coon cat and the Siamese cat.

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The way you treat kittens in the early stages of it's life will render it's personality traits later in life.

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Cats see six times better in the dark and at night than humans.

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Many cats love having their forehead gently stroked.

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The world’s rarest coffee, Kopi Luwak, comes from Indonesia where a wildcat known as the luwak lives. The cat eats coffee berries and the coffee beans inside pass through the stomach. The beans are harvested from the cat’s dung heaps and then cleaned and roasted. Kopi Luwak sells for about $500 for a 450 g (1 lb) bag.

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The average lifespan of an outdoor-only cat is about 3 to 5 years while an indoor-only cat can live 16 years or much longer.

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A cat will tremble or shiver when it is extreme pain.

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Cats can be taught to walk on a leash, but a lot of time and patience is required to teach them. The younger the cat is, the easier it will be for them to learn.

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Blue-eyed, white cats are often prone to deafness.

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Cat paws act as tempetature regulators, shock absorbers, hunting and grooming tools, sensors, and more

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The Maine Coon is 4 to 5 times larger than the Singapura, the smallest breed of cat.

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If they have ample water, cats can tolerate temperatures up to 133 °F.

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Neutering a male cat will, in almost all cases, stop him from spraying (territorial marking), fighting with other males (at least over females), as well as lengthen his life and improve its quality.

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According to Hebrew legend, Noah prayed to God for help protecting all the food he stored on the ark from being eaten by rats. In reply, God made the lion sneeze, and out popped a cat.

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Ancient Egyptian family members shaved their eyebrows in mourning when the family cat died.

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Since cats are so good at hiding illness, even a single instance of a symptom should be taken very seriously.

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Cats bury their feces to cover their trails from predators.

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In 1987 cats overtook dogs as the number one pet in America.

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In relation to their body size, cats have the largest eyes of any mammal.

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Grown cats have 30 teeth. Kittens have about 26 temporary teeth, which they lose when they are about 6 months old.

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Kittens remain with their mother till the age of 9 weeks.

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Tabby cats are thought to get their name from Attab, a district in Baghdad, now the capital of Iraq.

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In contrast to dogs, cats have not undergone major changes during their domestication process.

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Neutering a cat extends its life span by two or three years.

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