According to U.S. FDA standards, 1 cup of orange juice is allowed to contain 10 fruit fly eggs, but only 2 maggots.

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So that's how they cheat - a microwaved baseball will fly farther than a frozen baseball.

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Michael Keaton's original name is Michael Douglas.

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More than 25% of the world's forests are in Siberia.

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A jellyfish is 95 percent water!

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The Nobel Peace Prize medal depicts 3 naked men with their hands on each others shoulders.

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Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death.

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Aluminum used to be more valuable than gold!

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Children are poisoned most frequently by eating harmful plants.

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Ears of corn always have an even number of rows of kernels.

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The population of the Earth has more than doubled since 1950.

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Whispering is more wearing on your voice than a normal speaking tone.

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First-cousin marriages are legal in Utah, so long as both parties are 65 or older!

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A marine catfish can taste with any part of its body.

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\"Dreamt\" is the only English word that ends in the letters \"mt\"!\r\nIf you buy a ticket on Monday you are a hundred times more likely to die before the draw is held on wednesday, than win the Jackpot!\r\nThe plastic tips on shoelaces are called \"aglets\"!\r\nMor

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Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand!

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Pageant Models often smear Vaseline on their teeth so their lips won't stick when smiling.

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Natural gas has no smell. The odor is artificially added so that people will be able to identify leaks and take measures to stop them.

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The quills of a porcupine are soft when they are born.

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Hypnotism is banned by public schools in San Diego.

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Your home is ten times more likely to have a fire than be burglarized!

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It was illegal to sell E.T. dolls in France because there is a law against selling dolls without human faces.

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Another name for a Microsoft Windows tutorial is 'Crash Course'!

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Ducks will only lay eggs early in the morning.

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One out of every 11 workers in North Carolina depends on tobacco for their livelihood !

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