Polydactyl cats (a cat with 1-2 extra toes on their paws) have this as a result of a genetic mutation. These cats are also referred to as 'Hemingway cats' because writer Ernest Hemingway reportedly owned dozens of them at his home in Key West, Florida.

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Most cats adore sardines.

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Like birds, cats have a homing ability that uses its biological clock, the angle of the sun, and the Earth's magnetic field. A cat taken far from its home can return to it. But if a cat's owners move far from its home, the cat can't find them.

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The cat has 500 skeletal muscles (humans have 650).

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A cat can’t climb head first down a tree because every claw on a cat’s paw points the same way. To get down from a tree, a cat must back down.

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The cat appears to be the only domestic companion animal not mentioned in the Bible.

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Abraham Lincoln loved cats. He had four of them while he lived in the White House.

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A cat has the ability to rotate their ears 180 degrees,with the help of 32 muscles that they use to control them.

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Unlike other cats, lions have a tuft of hair at the end of their tails.

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All cats need taurine in their diet to avoid blindness. Cats must also have fat in their diet as they are unable to produce it on their own.

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The cat's front paw has 5 toes, but the back paws have 4. Some cats are born with as many as 7 front toes and extra back toes (polydactl).

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A cat's hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs.

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A female cat can be referred to as a molly or a queen, and a male cat is often labeled as a tom.

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Cats, just like people, are subject to asthma. Dust, smoke, and other forms of air pullution in your cat's environment can be troublesome sources of irritation.

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In 1987, cats overtook dogs as the number one pet in America (about 50 million cats resided in 24 million homes in 1986). About 37% of American homes today have at least one cat.

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Cat families usually play best in even numbers. Cats and kittens should be acquired in pairs whenever possible.

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If a cat is frightened, the hair stands up fairly evenly all over the body; when the cat is threatened or is ready to attack, the hair stands up only in a narrow band along the spine and tail.

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Ginger tabby cats can have freckles around their mouths and on their eyelids!

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A domestic cat can run at speeds of 30 mph.

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Of all the species of cats, the domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. All species of wild cats hold their tail horizontally or tucked between their legs while walking.

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Smuggling a cat out of ancient Egypt was punishable by death. Phoenician traders eventually succeeded in smuggling felines, which they sold to rich people in Athens and other important cities.

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Cats only use their meows to talk to humans, not each other. The only time they meow to communicate with other felines is when they are kittens to signal to their mother.

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The Ancient Egyptian word for cat was mau, which means "to see".

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Mohammed loved cats and reportedly his favorite cat, Muezza, was a tabby. Legend says that tabby cats have an “M” for Mohammed on top of their heads because Mohammad would often rest his hand on the cat’s head.

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A 2007 Gallup poll revealed that both men and women were equally likely to own a cat.

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